Hi! I’m Ditty! And I bet you’re here for the “50 to 50” contest, right? Well, it’s all tied so far: 50 states with zero comments! That only makes sense, I guess, because the contest hasn’t started and the book hasn’t been released yet.
The book? The BOOK! Yes! THE AUTHOR’S RIDDLE will be out soon on Kindle and paperback! And the contest…the CONTEST! Kids 8-12 are invited to read the book and then come here and then tell me–I mean, tell my author, R. K. (hey, wait…that means I’M A MADE-UP CHARACTER? But then…oh, anyway)–ANYWAY…tell us two things:
1) Tell us about a scene in THE AUTHOR’S RIDDLE that you thought was ridiculous. Yes! Silly, funny, whimsical, what-have-you. (Maybe it’s the scene when Landon meets me! Not that I’m trying to influence your judgment here.) Oh, and tell us what chapter it was in, too.
2) Tell me, R. K., us about something in your own life that was ridiculous or funny or surprising! Something you saw or heard or tasted or smelled or…well, you get the idea.
They don’t have to be long, just enough to convey (that’s fancy for “communicate”, and it can also mean to transport, which is pretty cool!) the scene and experience.
I cannot wait for the contest! Hope to hear from you then!
Your friendly Odd,
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